ACTFL Professional Awards

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The ACTFL Professional Awards program recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of language education.

Awards and nomination procedures are announced and candidates' names are solicited through announcements in ACTFL publications and through letters to ACTFL member organizations each year.

The results of the selections are announced at the ACTFL Annual Meeting and in the Winter issue of The Language Educator.

Awards categories include:

Bernardo card
Leo Benardo Award for Innovation in K-12 Language Education

This award is established in Leo Benardo’s honor to recognize significant contributions that reflect innovative instructional practice and programs by individuals who teach or supervise in urban, suburban or rural districts that teach a majority of underserved students.

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NFMLTA/MLJ Emma Marie Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in World Language Education

Did you write/complete a dissertation in the last two years that dealt with language learning or teaching, teacher preparation, curriculum development, evaluation, or any field directly related to second or world language education?

Nelson Brooks Culture
Nelson Brooks Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Culture

Are you a language educator who has contributed significantly to the teaching of culture in the world language classroom? Can you provide evidence of the impact over an extended period of time and have influenced large numbers of individuals?

Public Service Award for World Language and Cultural Advocacy

This award has recognized individuals who have developed ties between international business, language education, and international studies. It honors distinguished policymakers, public servants, business leaders, and other education advocates.    

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Award for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Classroom

This award recognizes language educators at all levels who have intentionally and effectively created accessible spaces of belonging for their learners and incorporated diverse, equitable and inclusive principles into their classroom curriculum and projects, and in doing so have enabled all students, including those with special needs, to develop linguistic and cultural competence.

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Klett Award for Sustainable Development Education in the World Language Classroom

This award recognizes language educators & postsecondary students who effectively incorporate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their classroom curriculum and projects, and in doing so promote global awareness and social responsibility.

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NYSAFLT Anthony Papalia Award for Excellence in Teacher Education

Are you a language educator who has demonstrated excellence in the preparation and continuing education of teachers for the profession? Provide evidence in the following areas: teaching, research, service, educating current and future professionals, and recognition.

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NFMLTA/MLJ Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in World Language Education

Are you an author of an outstanding research article with the potential to impact language learning or teaching in world language or second language education field published in the last year? This award requires nomination by the editor of a North American scholarly journal.

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Wilga Rivers Award for Leadership in World Language Education (Postsecondary)

Have you demonstrated instructional leadership and service in the Postsecondary community? Evidence should include: service to the school, community, and state, as well as to state, regional, and national professional organizations.

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Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in World Language Education (K-12)

Have you demonstrated instructional leadership and service in the K-12 community? Evidence should include: service to the school, community, and state, as well as to state, regional, and national professional organizations.

Award for World Language Instruction Using Technology

Have you integrated the use of technology into world language courses? Evidence should include objectives and specific strategies using technology that contribute to the attainment of the course goals within the framework of the World Readiness Standards.

Woodruff Elementary
Melba D. Woodruff Award for Exemplary Elementary World Language Program

Is your Elementary World Language Program exemplary? Has it been in place for at least 5 years, with curriculum aligned with the “5 Cs” of the national standards? Are you able to provide evidence of highly qualified teachers advocating for early language learning and student success?

Please contact ACTFL at (703) 894-2900 or if you have questions or need more information.